Furman Compact Power solutions deliver all the protection and features your gear demands but in sleek, smaller or vertical formats to suit your project size and application perfectly. These low-profile formats offer just the right number of outlets and ideal configuration, so you get exactly what is needed while still gaining all the advanced technologies and protection that the Furman brand offers.
Power Stations provide advanced protection and filtration in a convenient “Surge strip” form factor. This is ideal for floor mounting or attaching to the side of an equipment rack. Coax and telco connections provide signal and data line protection.
The SS-6B Power Strip delivers standard level surge protection and EMI/RFI filtration to six outlets, while the PLUGLock Locking Outlet Strip provides five circuit-breaker protected outlets with locking mechanisms to secure wall warts and plugs in place.
View the new SS-6 Power Strip and ACX-25 Power Extension Cord
The AC-215A offers two outlets providing Linear Filtering Technology, Series Multi-Stage Protection, and Extreme Voltage Shutdown featuring automatic reset functionality in a small form factor.
The Vertex Power Distribution Units feature a slim form-factor and wall-wart spacing to mount vertically at the back of the rack.